Meet Amos Knoll | Author, motivational speaker, businessman
charity 40%
Hi Amos, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
My thought was to do things that I enjoyed, and not have someone looking over my shoulders I never thought I worked a day in my life, I always enjoyed what I was doing. As a lifeguard in Coney Island, I was getting paid for having fun, the same working on Wall Street, recycling yards, financing, Insurance business, driving a school bus, being a builder/developer for almost 40 years, international business, oil, gold mining, etc. For me, life was and is one big exciting adventure, with no end in sight. I started many businesses and some worked out very successfully and some did not. The reasons do not matter, it can be the economy, government policy change, and miscalculations I made.
Life is one big learning curve, etc. The key is to keep going and never give up, you must believe in yourself. To me most important is to be honest and have integrity.
Yes, I had my share of litigation as a developer, unfortunately, this is part of doing business today. I found out the hard way that justice and law are two different things.
When you go into any business you are taking a risk, there are no guarantees.
You must have a drive and a vision; you must feel your dream and see it. Then you must be ready to implement it.
Money is an important factor; you must be willing to back yourself up and convince people that you are trustworthy and will be able to make money and pay them back. In other words, you must sell yourself to the potential investor or lender.
Today it is more difficult because you are just a number talking to a computer and a credit report. You can’t look at the banker in the eye and here is what I’ll do. He or she will look at you and think you are the greatest and have all the confidence in you.
You both smile and it looks like a deal.
Then the lender may say, but your credit report is no good and I’m sorry it is our policy that when someone has a low score, we won’t make the loan, I’m sorry, It becomes impersonal. But please let me explain. Those days are gone were the banker or the lender can make a decision based on your experience and character.
Use this fictional event as an example: John Doe has $100,000 saved his wife got sick he needed all the money for doctors and medicine. Then he took a mortgage for $200,000 on his house for another operation his wife needed. One day on the way home John got shot by a carjacker and was in the hospital for six months. He fell two months behind in his payment, he contacted the bank and explained his situation, and they told him it’s ok we understand, and get well. He went to the bank requesting a loan to restart his business. No money but integrity and a great track record.
He was with the same bank for 30 years never late always paid on time. (except for two months, which he caught up) Now when he needs the bank to help him. The bank said to him sorry it’s not personal, but we have policies, so much for personal relationships.
This is how it works in the real world. I made millions I lost it did not matter if you were right or wrong. Now you have to start over, but you cannot count on the 30-year loyalty with lending institutions. You might find a small local privately owned lending institution that you can build a relationship with.
I always enjoyed what I was doing. It’s all a matter of attitude.
I love to write stories for kids and their parents. All my books have messages in them. In one of my books called “The Chubby Conqueror” It’s not a diet book it’s a book of motivation and inspiration seen through the eyes of a twelve-year-old boy. Hollywood is working on a screenplay for the movie. It will be hit, why? We have in the USA over 250 million of us who are overweight and or obese of which 25 million are our kids, and there is no end in sight. People will be able to relate to Billy our protagonist.
Now at age 81 people ask me why am I starting over. It’s the drive all business people have. It’s the challenge.
Today when I look in the mirror, I see an 18-year-old boy looking in the mirror and I see an elderly gentleman having a big smirk on his face looking back at me.
I still can’t believe I’m still here after being shot, drowned, rolled down a mountain in my car, head-on collision, the car went over me, was mugged, etc.
Someone told me once that I was the unluckiest man alive- I smiled back and said to him I think I’m the luckiest man alive!
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
We are authors and publishers our books are mostly geared for kids and parents of all ages. Our award-winning books have messages based on our times. Our stories and illustrations are sculptured with words as one piece of art. See samples:
Max and the Red-Haired Drago
Gabriel, a Red-haired dragon meets Max, a Red-headed five-year-old boy. At first, Max is unsure of this new friend but they soon embark on an adventure to find out why they share the same trait such as red hair. At age seven Gabriel the dragon disappeared. Max’s father explained to Max that when he was a little boy Gabriel also took him on a journey all around the world to teach all the children and remind their parents that there is only one human race before the Children become jaded and cynical of life. Along the way, they meet many friends from frogs, tigers, foxes, etc. They all have a reddish color and many other things in common.
The Message: “Don’t judge people by their color, gender, lifestyle or the way they look – judge only what it is in their heart and mind.”
The story is complimented with illustrations to enhance the beauty of the words.
Book Trailer:
Mama, why am I Black?
Five-year-old Iskinder is afraid that he will be hated and discriminated against as he sees on the nightly news with his parents. His Mom is a wise woman who knows what to say when he asks the crucial question, “Mama, Why Am I Black not white like you?”
Sarah is from Eastern Europe and has strawberry-red hair blue eyes and white skin; his father is from Africa, Ethiopia with dark skin, wavy hair with hazel eyes. Sarah has a strong sense of self and understands the histories of multiracial figures. She replied:
“Iskinder, you were created from the best of your mother and father this is why you have beautiful red hair and blue eyes like me, and beautiful dark skin with wavy hair like your father; but most important this is why you are so handsome and smart”
The company principal Amos Knoll has experience in all phases of operating businesses.
Below is part of the executive summary for our five-million-dollar syndication for my 70-plus books and toys including the movie based on our book” The Chubby Conqueror” Hollywood is presently working on the screenplay.
Amos loves to write books; give him a subject and he will write about it he has many genres. He loves to design toys go to book signing events and encourage his audience to ask him questions. Amos believes we must teach our children respect and values while they are young before, they become jaded and cynical about life.
All his books have messages for our time for parents and their kids.
Amos is the founder of Knoll Publishing Inc., bringing with him over fifty-five years of experience as an entrepreneur, innovator, financier, award author, and motivational speaker. Amos will spend most of his time marketing to promote the products, authoring books, designing toys, attending book signing events, doing T.V./radio interviews, etc.
He has been married for 62 years to his high school sweetheart Fay. They have two children, five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren, Max, Chloe, and Dakoda; his wife, Fay, and Amos help raise Max. Max happened to be one of the main characters in his book Max and The Red-haired Dragon and the Little Snowboy.
Knoll attended Brooklyn Community College at night. Six years at Queens College in New York, also attending the Institute of Finance while working on Wall Street and for Home Life Insurance Company. The rest of the time, he worked for his own companies for 55 years.
1960-1963 working for the city of N.Y. as a lieutenant lifeguard full time in Brownsville Boys Club in charge of the City of N.Y. swim campaign and in the summer on the beach, Coney Island. At the same time working at night for Peter Max helping to create some of his screened artwork.
Amos became the shop steward for the state, county, and municipal Government employees’ unions and then Vice-President of the local association, at the same time attending Queens College.
This taught him organization skills and negotiation with municipalities. Amos worked on Wall Street first as an IBM Programmer from 1964-1966, day shifts for Thomson McKinnon in the transferred department, and the night shift for Dean Witter, running the back operation for purchase and sales. He owned a restaurant, bar, recycling yard, lumber business, oil, and gas and was active in international business from Europe to Africa. He was working with major Fortune 500 companies.
Amos has been a licensed builder, and developer for approx. 40 years, real estate broker, and financial consultant in the building /developing industry and real estate business from 1971- to 2010, specializing in orchestrating highly Innovative financing packages for real estate developers, ultimate buyers of his properties.
He was also a direct lender to builders and developers.
Amos created more than $100 million of construction, building seven subdivisions at the same time. Amos bought land, developed it, financed it, and sold them with his team.
In 1980 Amos became a correspondent for Walter Heller Southeast while living in Michigan, a primary real estate lender in Miami, Florida, which was listed on the N.Y. stock exchange. He was in charge of Midwest financing.
At the same time, he managed his building and development company which was also financed through Walter Heller. After three years of being active with Walter Heller, W.H. was bought out by Fuji Bank, and the funding was cut off in the middle of the building and developing his subdivisions.
Amos personally lost millions of dollars. He took all the challenges head-on. This was a lesson he never forgot, and he started collaborating with other private investors on projects. Also, he was a partner of Entertainment West Promotion Inc., creating major country music shows with sell-outs of stadiums such as the Silver Dome in Michigan, Florida Suncoast Dome, etc.
As an entrepreneur, Amos started other businesses and let his partners eventually buy him out at a profit. He loves the challenge of starting businesses. He owned a garage, plumbing, solar, recycling yard, bar, and restaurant.
In the 1990s, Amos ran an international company, Nova International Inc., which dealt in global business worldwide, especially in Africa from the Congo, Nigeria, and Europe.
Amos is an established award-winning author writing books of inspiration and motivation. He loves to write books, short stories, and essays, which you can find on Amazon, and some libraries, in addition to motivational books like “The Chubby Conqueror,” soon to be made into a movie, etc.
He was the Founder and President/ Chairman of Sources Financial Holding Co., LTD. since 1991, working with hedge funds, banks, and hard money lenders. Including foreign sources, Wealthy individual investors syndicate deals and work directly with money sources. (The company is presently inactive).
He is also the Founder and Chairman of the Children Obesity Foundation, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization. That was created to fight the obesity epidemic.
Today Amos is fully active in promoting Knoll Publishing Inc. and Children Obesity Foundation to promote his books and the upcoming movie “The Chubby Conqueror”. Amos believes:” You are only as good as your team!
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
If you want to have a good time, I would hop into the car and go to the keys stop in various restaurants, and pick them out as you go along. In this way you have a surprise, some will be good and some not so good. Call a day ahead to stay in a hotel right on the beach. The whole idea is to get away from the same routine. Then go to the space center, Disneyland stop downtown Ft Lauderdale, Ft Mayers, and Delray Beach. and stay in downtown Miami overnight. The whole idea is to be free not to be at this time at that place etc.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My wife Fay has always stood by my side this month on February 25th we will be married 62 years. We are the same age, We got married in 1962 in Brooklyn NY. We met at Thomas Jefferson High School. She always stood by me. This did not mean we always agreed, but we were able to agree to disagree. In addition, she was my best friend and confidant. I have to admit, I should have listened to her advice more often. She is a better judge of people than I am. When we got married at 18, I was out to conquer the world, and I still am. It’s not the money it’s the drive, money comes automatically with success.
I remember as a builder/developer I had some litigation and I was 100% innocent and my wife saw me getting upset. Not the business I would take anything head-on. She came over to me and said “Amos, I don’t want you to be the richest man in the cemetery, please walk away.” She said I never wanted a big house or fancy car. All I wanted was for you and me to be happy, in a small house or condo with no mortgage and a car without payment.
One day she said Amos please go bankrupt with the company. I said No, she said Donald Trump a businessman made a business decision and went bankrupt. My ego was too strong. I never did. If I had I would have saved money time and stress, etc.
My daughters Tammy and Debbie were always behind me. In my case, I’m self-motivated, but it’s nice when your kids and friends are behind you. The same is true with my grandchildren Addison 22 years old and Justin 35 years old There are many people as time went by who were happy to back me.
Yaacov Heller: To bring me up to date. About six years ago I met a gentleman by the name of Yaacov at an art fair in Ft. Lauderdale. We talked about art and other things we exchanged cards and for five years we did not talk to each other. One day on Facebook, he wrote a note saying I did not know that you knew Peter Ticktin who is a prominent attorney who is also an author; they know each other. Peter Ticktin is in Deerfield Beach (Main Office) 270 SW Natura Ave Deerfield Beach, FL 33441. Yaacov and I started our friendship. After the fact, I found out that Yaacov Heller is a world-renowned artist, sculpturer, and silversmith having painted many presidents, leaders from all over the world, major movie stars, and created statues, his gallery is Yaacov Heller- Gallery 22 320 Esplanade #53, Boca Raton, FL 33432
Yaacov never asked me for anything and introduced me to wealthy potential investors. He let me have a book signing event in his gallery. Introduced me to people like Dr. Khalilah Camacho-Ali formerly wife of Muhammed Ali world boxing champion, we became friends, Connie Frances, Arlene Herson, etc.
Yaacov and Peter never asked me for anything and Peter took care of some legal matters for me and never charged me for it. Peter is also on my team putting together my five-million-dollar syndication for the movie, “The Chubby Conqueror” and all my books and toys etc. The Ticktin Law Group | Services in Deerfield Beach and Orlando (
Mary Fry in Hollywood, California is working on the screenplay for the movie, she did not charge me any money for starting to write the screenplay for The Chubby Conqueror
Pat Riley has been my cheerleader. she is a businesswoman and a scientist, the creator of a beauty and health line owner, and the creator of Anty-age Skincare, her brand Clientele. Pat introduced antioxidants in skin care. Pat and her team sell directly and save her clients 50% on her beauty products. In her factory, she produces all the products and sells them directly to her clients. Clientele, Inc. ( Pat has been introducing me to potential investors and cheering me along. Pat has been helping me promote the song Trump is Coming Lyric
All those people believe in me and love my books, they go out of their way to make sure that Knoll Publishing Inc. will be successful. “In business, you are only as good as your team”I’m in the process of putting five-million-dollar syndication together for the movie and 70 of my books. Some books need editing, waiting for illustration, and layout and many are completed.
Since the attack by Hamas in Israel that killed 1,400. Israelis by shooting, raping, cutting off the heads of babies and burning some alive, etc. October 7, 2023, a day of infamy, the 2nd holocaust.
I became is also active in raising one million dollars for Herzog Hospital in the Holyland of Jerusalem, Israel.
I decided to help out by having big events in synagogues, and churches. The evangelicals I spoke to wanted to help out Israel. I’m setting up book signing events and donating 40% to Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem Israel. I also committed to donate one million dollars, it’s a big order. The only reason I can do it is because I don’t have a few middlemen, I’m the author and the publisher. Herzog Hospital is the oldest Hospital in Israel it was created in 1894 it serves all people 30% are Arabs, Muslims, and Christians and the staff is about 50%.
If the public likes they can also participate. Go to our website,, click on our e-store put in the word HERZOG and 40% will be donated to Herzog Hospital.
Image Credits
Amos & Fay Knoll before and after 62 years Amos & judge Jeanene Perro, Yaacov and Sue Heller, Khalilah Ali, Amos at Rotary club Amos with April and Yaacov, at a book signing, Max my great-grandson Addison Amos & Justin, Picture Amos, Connie Frances, Khalilah Ali. Yaacov & Amos in front of Yaacov’s sculpture of Adam and Eve.
Dr.Yehezkel G Cain M.D MSc. President from Herzog Hospital, Yaacov and Amos
Featured collection
Max and the Red-haired Dragon
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The Chubby Conqueror
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Mama, Why am I Black?
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The Flower that could not talk
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